202210mar1:00 pm3:00 pmConnecting Your DNA Matches by Diahan Southard (via Zoom)

Event Details

While it is possible for you to analyze your DNA matches one at a time to determine how you are related, there is much that can be accomplished by first identifying the connections between those on your match list, organizing those matches, and then working together to determine how you are related to each other. Learn the tips and tricks to this powerful method of match analysis.

Diahan Southard is a leading voice for consumer DNA testing from her position as Founder of Your DNA Guide. Diahan teaches internationally, consults with leading testing companies and forensics experts. Southard’s company, Your DNA Guide (YourDNAGuide.com), deploys a team of scientists who provide one-on-one genetic genealogy education and research services. You will walk away from an interaction with her enlightened and motivated as she has a passion for genetic genealogy, a genuine love for people, and a gift for making the technical understandable.



March 10, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Zoom Meeting

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