"Cousin Russ" Worthington

About Russ Worthington, aka “Cousin Russ”: Has become known at “Cousin Russ” and is indeed a real cousin of “Dear Myrtle”, Pat Richley-Erickson. Most folks know me to be a Family Tree Maker expert, a bit overstated, but an avid user. I am serious about locating and using “original documents” as a family history researcher, a student of genealogical methodology, a Find-A-Grave volunteer, a public speaker and a user of technology in my research. I served in the US Coast Guard in Vietnam. I first “met” DearMYRTLE” listening to her old podcasts while I commuted to and from work, but we didn’t meet until years later. She was demonstrating a genealogy software program and I piped up that I had the same early Welsh Quakers in Philadelphia and Chester County, Pennsylvania. It is my honor to work with DearMYRTLE with the production the DearMYRTLE online education programs. Heres’ where you can find “Cousin Russ”: · Cousin Russ’ Family Tree Maker User Blog – http://ftmuser.blogspot.com · Cousin Russ’ A Worthington Weblog: https://worthy2be.wordpress.com · Cousin Russ’ YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/CousinRussYouTube · Cousin Russ on Twitter: @hrworth When you visit my Family Tree Maker User Blog, you’ll see tabs sorting my experience with Family Tree Maker into the two most recent versions of the program, but there are blog posts back to Family Tree Maker Version 2008 and a couple for Version 16.I have been teaching folks how to use the program for much longer. The last few years I have been demonstrating features in short subject videos posted on my YouTube Channel and linked to DearMYRTLE’s blog. I, Cousin Russ explain vlogging (video blogging) is easier than blogging with screen captures and dealing with typos. I hope it’s easier to learn FTM watching his videos. Most recently the owner of the Family Tree Maker software company hired me to teach and demonstrate the program in the FTM booth at RootsTech 2017, New England Regional Genealogical Bi-annual Conference, and the Federation of Genealogical Society’s annual conference.

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